Susanne Veder developed Baseline Balance, a unique assessment toolkit that helps individuals define their priorities to make more informed decisions, gain more control of their financial future and live a happier, healthier, wealthier and more connected life. By determining a “baseline” of what makes them sad, happy, and what motivates them to feel their best, areas of an individual’s life that are out of balance can be brought back in line with living a healthy and comfortable lifestyle.
Susanne brings over 25 years of experience providing high-quality customer service solutions for major corporations in the financial, medical, insurance, telecom and sports sectors, including Citi Group, Universal American Financial Corp., Quest, and the US Tennis Association. Throughout her career, she has been responsible for training, improving day-to-day operations and devising solutions to improve efficiency and productivity.
In addition, Susanne has worked extensively with several New York school districts to influence and lead school funding through advocacy efforts. She has led enrichment and self-esteem programs for school districts that improved graduation rates, attendance, student-engagement, and the overall quality of school curriculum.

Heidi Friedman
Immediate Past President hfriedman@elderlawdept.com 954-866-1055
Heidi F. Friedman is owner of Friedman Elder Law Department, LLC. She is one of only a few Board-Certified Elder Law Attorneys in Florida with experience in Elder Law, Medicaid, and Veteran’s Administration programs. She specializes in crisis planning to qualify seniors for government benefits as well as, estate planning for the 65+ population with a focus on asset protection against the cost of long-term care. Heidi sits on a number of boards for different agencies and nonprofit organizations which concentrate on providing knowledge, support, and assistance to and for the aging population. In addition to her role as President of ESRN, Heidi is on the Advisory Counsel of the Broward County Age & Disability Resource Center (ADRC), appointed as a member of the Governor’s Dementia Care & Cure Initiative (DCCI), a Director for the South Florida Institute on Aging (SoFIA) and Director of the Alzheimer’s Care Resource Center, Inc. (ACRC). As an elder law attorney, Heidi has assisted hundreds of her clients obtain government benefits to help pay for long-term care, resulting in significant savings for each family. Heidi is a Florida native, sister of two Army veterans and a mother of two sons, one with special needs.
Wolf Liebertz
Treasurer wolf.liebertz@oneyoulovehomecare.com 561-349-5553
Wolf Liebertz is the owner of One You Love Homecare in Boca Raton. One You Love Homecare provides award winning personal and companion care across all of Southern Palm Beach County.
Joshua Norris

Tiffany DiPanni
PR/Communications Chair
tiffanydipanni@gmail.com 954-445-2378
The senior community has always been near and dear to our Founder, Tiffany DiPanni. Born later in life to her parents as the baby of four daughters, she spent much of her time growing up under her grandmothers' and great aunts' care.
Tiffany has held leadership positions in corporate America including Perry Ellis International, Callaway Golf, the LPGA and NFL. Tiffany owns and runs a full service marketing agency, DiPanni Dnyamix consulting clients world-wide on various levels to companies that are in need of new business marketing and communication strategies.
Social Savvy Seniors was formerly launched to provide educational presentations and personalized training for older adults adapting to new technology. She also provides business consulting on how to best market to the aging population.
Jeanine Bahmani
Vice President - Membership
Jeanine Bahmani has worked in area of senior healthcare sales and senior housing sales consisting of a combination of Medicare home health, private duty, hospice, senior assist devices, independent living, assisted living and skilled nursing since 1996. Originally a native of Kansas City, Jeanine relocated to south Florida in 2017 to be close to family and continued her healthcare sales career here. Jeanine came to the Florida market with a list of successful accomplishments, strength in leadership and networking and a proven determination for teamwork. Jeanine is married and has four adult children, four grandchildren and two golden retrievers named Sonny Boy and Lucia (brother and sister from same parents but different litters). In her spare time, she enjoys playing with her grandchildren, riding her bike, going to the beach, walking her dogs and cooking for her family.
David Michaels Member at Large
Brett Feldman
Vice President - Community Affairs & Outreach
bfeldman926@gmail.com 954-609-1555
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Bryan Solomon
Parliamentarian bryan@1homecareservices.com
Bryan Solomon is an industry leader in home health care and senior placement. He has been practicing in the healthcare/geriatric space since 2006. For the last 12 years in Florida, Bryan has been assisting families with providing both hourly and live-in home health and nursing services at home and in communities across the state. As well, based on one’s level of care, location and budget, he makes recommendations for independent living, assisted living, memory care and skilled nursing facilities.
Bryan currently is the President for #1 Home Care Services and #1 Placement Services, headquartered in Boca Raton, FL and an owner of #1 Medical Equipment and Supply, headquartered in Deerfield Beach, FL. Bryan currently serves as a Guardian Ad Litem for the 15th Circuit, is the Vice President of the Florida Long-Term Care Social Workers Association, Retention Chairperson for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, Former Treasurer for Elder Services Resource Network, Former Public Relations Chair for Broward Coalition on Aging, participant in both the Palm Beach Guardianship Association and Southern Healthcare Advocacy Network and is an active Vitas Hospice Volunteer.
Bryan Solomon lives in Wellington, FL with his wife Lauren Solomon, LCSW and two daughters Audrey and Madison. He enjoys golf, hiking and family travel on his free time.
Juan Gallo
Secretary juan@heart2heartoutreach.org 954-315-2218
Juan Gallo is currently employed at Heart 2 Heart Outreach, since November 2019, holding the title of Chief Executive Director. Juan is also currently employed at Trinity International University, since April 2020, holding the title of Adjunct Professor. Previously, Juan held the position of Florida and North Carolina Regional Director of State Services, while working at GT Indey, Juan received a BA Biblical Studies degree, in 2009 - 2012, from Trinity International University. Juan also earned an AA Urban Ministry degree from Palm Beach Atlantic University in 2006 - 2008.pendence. GT Independence is known as the 5th largest Self-Directed provider in the nation. Juan held this role for 6 years (October 2013 - November 2019). Before this, Juan held the position of Pastor, while working at Holy City Church. Juan occupied this position for 7 years (September 2011 - December 2018). Previously, Juan held the position of Medical Representative, while working at A1 Medical Imaging. Juan held this role for 2 years (June 2011 - October 2013). Juan completed a Master's in Counseling and Psychology from Trinity International University-Florida, in 2014 - 2017.
Lisa Peters
Member at Large
After spending 20 years working in Child Welfare in Broward County, Lisa decided on a career change to
work with seniors in our community. She spent over 4 years working in Palm Beach County where she
oversaw the Medicaid Waiver, Community Care for the Elderly, Home Care for the Elderly and the Older
Americans Act in home services programs. She was also responsible for 3 Dementia Specific Adult Day
Care Centers and 8 Congregate Food Sites. She returned to Broward County where she was hired as the
Director of Senior Services for SunServe, an LGBTQ Social Services agency located in Wilton Manors. In
September 2016, she took over as the Director of the Noble A. McArtor Adult Day Care Center. Lisa
belongs to several aging organizations and currently sits on the Executive Board for the Broward
Coalition on Aging as their Past President, an at large member of the board for ESRN and is the current
Vice President of the Board for SAGE South Florida.
Kathy Maston
Member at Large kmaston@bellsouth.net
Kathy Cunningham Maston was born in Long Island, NY. Her family moved to Coral Springs, Florida when she was four years old. She currently resides there with her husband Lance & her two children Richie & Kate. Kathy has held positions as a Regional Placement Manager as well as a Division Manager in Senior Living & Home Health. Kathy thrives on challenges, is creative & is strong in leadership. Kathy holds a Bachelor of Health Services degree with a major in Health Administration. She attended Florida Atlantic University; in Boca Raton. In her free time, Kathy enjoys cooking, stays active in her children's sports activities, loves sushi and country music!
Shane LeMar
Member at Large
Suzy Grossman
Member at Large